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The Global Change and Sustainability Center at the University of Utah partnered with the Salt Lake County Watershed Planning and Restoration Program to offer research, outreach and educational grants to University of Utah students and faculty to pursue the action-oriented projects related to the sustainability and stewardship of Red Butte Creek (RBC). Download summaries for 2014 and 2015.

As part of our Stormwater Management Plan, the University of Utah strives to prevent pollution from entering Red Butte Creek as well as the local storm drain system. The U prohibits the commencement, conduct or continuance of any illegal, or non-storm water discharge on campus. For more information please visit:

elementary students kneeling at side of creek
mule deer near canyon road fence
demonstration of bird banding
  • University Friends of Red Butte Creek Student Outreach Activities
    Rebecca Terry, Mathematics PhD student & Zacharia Levine, City & Metropolitan Planning PhD student
  • How do Neighborhood Residents Use and Value Red Butte Creek?
    Philip Stoker, City & Metropolitan Planning PhD student
  • Elementary Science Club Student Field Trips to RBC to Learn About Conducting a Scientific Research Project, Urban Streams, and Water Issues in an Urban Environment
    Olivia Miller & Brittany Dame, Geology & Geophysics PhD students
  • Exploring Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Red Butte Creek held by Utah Native American Tribes
    Gavin Noyes, Political Science PhD student
  • Examining the Role of Storm Runoff as a Source of Pollutants to RBC
    Crystal Tulley-Cordova & Yusuf Jameel, Geology & Geophysics PhD students
  • Red Butte Creek Sediment Transport Model
    Zachary Magdol, Civil & Environmental Engineering MS student
  • Nitrogen in Stormwater Runoff
    Dasch Houdeshel, Civil & Environmental Engineering postdoctoral researcher
  • Enhancing Habitat Quality for Seasonal Mule Deer Movement Within the Red Butte Riparian Corridor
    William Newmark & Eric Rickart, Natural History Museum of Utah faculty
  • Estimating Density of Large Mammals in Red Butte Canyon
    Blake Hethmon, Biology undergraduate student
  • Integrating science, environmental education, public outreach, conservation, and capacity-building through hands-on bird ecology research in the Red Butte Creek riparian corridor
    Evan Buechley, Biology PhD student
painting of elk
painting of deer with deer jawbones
painting: mourning doves by Claire Taylor
  • Original Artwork Based on the Biodiversity of Wildlife in and Around Red Butte Creek
    Claire Taylor, Environmental Humanities
  • Archeology and Prehistoric Human Ecology of Red Butte Creek
    Brain Codding, Tom Flanigan, and Kate Magargal, Anthropology
  • Increasing Public Awareness of Red Butte Canyon and Creek Through Photos
    Erin Gamertsfelder and Mark Chynoweth, Biology
  • Evaluating and Mapping Student Preferences for Trail Features and Potential Uses in the Red Butte Creek Riparian Corridor
    Matthew Brownlee, Parks Recreation and Tourism
  • Mapping Red Butte Creek Bank Geomorphology, Erosion, and Slope Stability for Sustainable Planning
    Nathan Anderson and Brenda Bowen, Geology and Geophysics
  • Integrating Science, Education, Outreach, and Conservation through Hands-on Bird Ecology Research in the Red Butte Creek Riparian Corridor
    Joshua Horns, Evan Buechley, and Jordan Herman, Biology
  • Transport and Transformation of Reactive Nitrogen in Soils and Flowpaths of Red Butte Creek Watershed
    Samantha Weintraub, Geology and Geophysics
  • An Exploration of the Ecological Roles of Lichens in Red Butte Creek
    Autumn Amici, Biology